Go up over the first trees and eliminate the Wood Nymph. Pass some more trees, and jump up to a landing. Just ahead, there's a Mad Thief, avoid him. Jump up a couple of ledges at the right end of the path and follow the mountainside until you reach a dead end with a coded door lock. Go down the path beside the rocks until you find the Mathematician with his abacus. Walk back up a little bit, and he'll follow you and start to speak the code. Enter this code by stepping on the panels on the ground to unlock the door below. Go down, and do not pick up the market stand because it release bees. Go right along the fence to find Pan and spears in the corner behind the house. There are two ways to get down from here:
- The first is to drop down through the gap in the trees below the market stand. (You land in water. Swim left, jump out and follow the path to some thunderbolts on a ledge above the waterfall to return to Athens via the previous route. Go to the Scribe and save you game).
- The other is to jump down from the wall at the right end of the path. (If you choose the latter path, jump down over the wall from this end and swim to the right. Kill the Cyclops to hear a "Victory" sound. Regardless, jump back into the water and swim down around the rocks and straight down and right until you reach another beach. Now, you're back in Athens, go to the scribe and save you game).
(Note: You need to give Athena the Medusa head to receive you reward, the "A" Key. But, after this you obviously no longer have the Medusa head with all of its unlimited usage. Now, the main is don't return the Medusa head because you need it for the next quest!)
- Spears
- Thunderbolts
- "A" Key (Upon returning the Medusa Head to Athena)
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