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Herc's Adventures Wiki

This battle took place just after you face the Cerberus.

Boss Battle - Hades[]

This is going to be a tough battle. You can't get up to him without taking some damage from the giant fireballs. Nevertheless, you're going to take a beating, and there's nothing for it but to hit back hard and heal as often as needed. Quickly hammer him with the best stuff you're carrying: Thunderbolts, Ray Guns, and Bombs. After you do a bit of damage, he switches to some lightning based attacks. You can try to dodge a little, and especially don't get close to his hands. Throw weapons upward whenever you get a chance. Watch your health and use Gyros whenever it drops to half. If you need to back off and recoup, feel free. His attacks can't reach you past the burning sconces at the bottom. Throw in a Pandora's Box before you back off, so that it'll keep causing damage. Basically, all you can do is just keep pummeling him from the center while using Gyros to keep yourself alive. Just keep pounding him until smaller minions are released, then back off and kill them all. Hades is invulnerable until you kill all of the little guys. Once they're done for, he resumes his attack, and so should you. Keep laying on attacks and you'll kill him before too long.

Afterwards, talk to Persephone to finish the game, restoring Spring and nature to the land. Afterwards, enjoy the ending credits.



Previous quest[]

A Hero Appears · Seek the help of the Gods · The Caledonian Boar · Journey to Elis · Town of Elis · (Circle's Island/Retrieving the Sacred Cow) · Return to Lerna · Journey to Athens · Meeting with Poseidon · Labyrinth of the Minotaur · Minoan Encampment · Talos · Egypt · Eastern Islands · Return to Egypt & Escape from Islands · Land of the Amazons · Back in Athens · Meeting with Athena · Lair of the Medusa · Ice Lands · Macedonia · Swamp Lands · Once More to Athens · Dionysus's Quest · Retrieving the Passwords · Journey to Crete · Hydra · Seeking Hades · Quest for the Golden Fleece · Cochis · Giant Snake ·Final Preparations
